JANICE FREELAND PHOTOGRAPHY + International Polo Club Palm Beach + Sistahs’ Ca Nect = GREAT TIME HAD BY ALL
Sunday, February 10th I had the pleasure of joining the young ladies from the charity (CLICK>) Sistahs’ Ca Nect for their first polo match!!! With the help of Farish Ensenat ~ Special Events Manager and John A Wash, CCM ~President of Club Operations we were able to show the young ladies of Sistahs’ Ca Nect a great time at the (CLICK>) International Polo Club Palm Beach.
I know all the young ladies had a wonderful time. Most had never seen a horse up close before and none had ever seen a Polo Match. So this is an experience I’m sure they will remember for the rest of their lives.
After the 3rd Chucker the girls were given International Polo Club t-shirts from John A Wash, CCM ~President of Club Operations and the IPC’s mascot came over to take pictures with the girls. After that the girls headed out on the field for ice cream, more souvenirs and then they did the traditional STOMPING OF THE DIVOTS (Divot stomping is a long standing tradition at half-time. Spectators wander all over the field stomping down the torn up turf.)
LUCCHESE defeated FARAWAY 10-8 and after the match was over the trainer of the LUCCHESE team brought a horse over for the girls to pet and play with. Some were very intimated by such a huge animal but they all got the courage to pet the beautiful horse. At the end of the day everyone had a great time.
A little about Sistah’s Ca Nect
Sistah’s Ca Nect is a girls only program specifically designed to prepare adolescent females ages 12-18 for a successful transition into womanhood. Our program places emphasis on cultural, mental and emotional development and self-esteem with a strong concentration in business and career preparation.