Excursion Vests: Your Winter Best Friend!
It’s 7:30 in the morning. The sun rays flooding through your window have finally crept up the floor to your eyes, and the light beats against your eyelids until you finally decide to open them up. It’s a new morning!
Three Fun Activities to try this Fall
Senior year is full of so many things to do, but don't miss out on the fact that this is your last year before college to spend tim with friends and family, and create those lasting memories! Fall is the
How to Wear Velvet
So fall’s on the way, and the leaves aren’t the only things that changing, the trends are too. This year, velvet’s coming back, baby! It can be tough picking out your outfits for your senior photos, and adding this in
Four Creative Things to Do With Your Senior Photos
Alright, so you’ve posed and smiled and had a ton of laughs. Your photographer captured your big day, and now you’ve got your copies of all the photos on your computer. You’ve sent them off to your friends, your mom
How to Choose a Senior Photographer
Alright, so you’re just about to hit one of your big milestones in life: graduating from high school! You’ve been through a lot: the ups and downs, tests, high school drama, prom, and everything in between. Exhausted just doesn't go