Top Ten Tuesday
Top Ten Tuesday Tuning into the blog today to share ten cool new products, clothing items, or podcasts/books that we are loving! We love sharing things that we find to be good quality or exciting, and it seemed like the perfect
What if I Don’t Like Wearing Makeup?
This is a common question that we get as senior photographers. We understand that makeup isn’t for everyone, and there is a myth that to have a successful shoot, you must wear extremely heavy makeup, and be edited completely. I
Best Homemade Cocoa
Nothing is better when the holidays begin to roll around than a cup of the perfect hot cocoa. Making cocoa can be a really fun activity to do with friends, especially when it's the holiday season of your senior year.
Holiday Activities to Plan
The holidays are just around the corner, and it's time to begin planning out the things you want to get done during the special holiday months. If this is your senior year, you know how much you want to get
Four Reasons to Use a Professional Senior Photographer
With the world feeling uncertain, sometimes it can feel strange to invest money in something like senior photographs. But, I want to talk to you today about four reasons why you should always hire a professional instead of a friend