Best places to find Warm Weather Outfits
Although it doesn't get as cold here as some parts of the country, we are still heading into some cooler temperatures, and I wanted to share some stylish and cute items for your senior session in the winter months. I
Best Homemade Cocoa
Nothing is better when the holidays begin to roll around than a cup of the perfect hot cocoa. Making cocoa can be a really fun activity to do with friends, especially when it's the holiday season of your senior year.
Six Staples You Need for Winter
With colder weather (even here it gets a bit chillier), it's nice to reassess what you may need to add to your wardrobe to get through the cooler months. Here are six things we think you will love having this
Preparation: Making Your Life Simpler
Preparation hasn't always been my strong suit, but as I have gotten older, I have learned that preparing for things really makes my days run more smoothly. I thought I'd share some idea that may be helpful for those who
Tote Bags for Summer
When you choose a great bag for the summer, you want it to be durable and cute. A great tote might be one of the best purchases you make, and can last years and years, if you purchase a well-made