Staying Hydrated in the Fall and Winter
Did you know that it is more likely that you are dehydrated during the cooler months than in the summertime? Even here in the southern part of the country where it stays warm for quite some time, it can be
Reasons why you Need Professional Headshots
A headshot gives that ultimate first impression. No matter what business you're in, or whether you're using them for real estate, a resume, or an application, a headshot is a versatile investment that you will treasure for years to come.
Places to Find Inspiration for Your Senior Session
Senior sessions can be hard to plan, when you have a fear or replicating or "copying" someone else's style. Everyone wants something original, and they want something memorable (that everyone else will envy!). There are so many creative ideas out
New Reads and Podcasts for Fall
We know you’re gearing up to start school (if you haven’t already), and it’s nice to have something fresh to listen to and read and you transition back into the academic year. If you have a long commute, podcasts are
Five Places to do a Senior Session
When we select a location with a client, we always strive to make sure it's one that shows off their personality and their style. Your location should be an extension of the vision for your shoot, and should be somewhere