Best Things to get for your Senior Session at Target
I know most of us love Target for holiday decorations, clothes, and home goods, but I’ve mentioned before how awesome they are for building your senior wardrobe. I’ve rounded up the things you should always get at Target, no matter when your senior session is, because you’ll get the best price and best selection!
-Boots: Universal Thread and A New Day boots are beautiful and affordable. You should definitely check there before shelling out hundreds for leather boot options. The only downside is the sizing is a bit weird, so be sure to try them on, rather than ordering online because you can have different sizes for each style even within the same brand.
-Earrings: Did you know that Target sells the bauble bar brand earrings? They are a Nordstrom favorite, but Target has their own line that is much less expensive. They look really high-end, and are quality for the price (around $13 a pair). Look for their sparkly holiday line, or their fun, silly line of oversized themed items. You can also find great little studs in their New Day brand, for under $10, that last a long time and are dupes for the Monica Vinadier brand from Nordstrom.
-Lingerie tape and hair care items: You will definitely want things like hairspray for your shoot, but don’t forget other extras like deodorant, lingerie tape for wayward straps or necklines, and hair care like combs, brushes, or bobby pins. You can pick all of this up at Target, for a great price, rather than having to pay full price the day of your session at a drugstore.
-Cardigans: Each year, Target releases a few solid color cardigans in multiple sizes. These are awesome cardigans that last and wash so well, and they’re usually under $25. This year, check out the long, oversized boyfriend cardigan from Universal Thread that is a fan favorite for a reason. Get a pretty jewel tone like burgundy or green for a perfect fall look.