Things to Give Yourself a Mental Break
I think we are all feeling the heaviness of this strange season. We are being accosted on every side by arguing, trying to stand up for our causes and passions, and feeling emotionally worn down by the coronavirus and quarantine. For some of us, life is back to normal, and for some, it won’t be for several months or even years. How do you deal with the mental load? How can you prevent burnout and stay effective in the fight for what you believe in?

- Take a break: It is okay to set up boundaries and step back from social media, social obligations, and even friendships. It is okay to say “Right now, I need to tend to my mental health”. True friends will understand, and will support you in a break from Instagram or the news. Make sure you tell some trusted friends why and when you are taking a break, so that you have accountability and prevent yourself from spiraling into a deeper depression. Take a deep breath and put down that smartphone when you need to, and don’t feel guilt about doing so.
- Don’t burn yourself out: If you are passionate about being anti-racist, the work can feel really overwhelming. I understand. It can feel like you are the only one doing anything, and that others really don’t care, and that can feel hurtful and frustrating. Remember that you can only do what you can do healthily, and that is enough. It is good to be active and passionate about the causes you care about, but you won’t be effective if you are drained, overly emotional, or grieving outside of normal bounds.
- Come up with coping skills: Focus on things that improve your mental space. Essential oils, phone calls to a friend, a long bath, reading a good book, getting out and exercising…discover what alleviates your stress, and remember to give yourself time to do those things once a day or even more frequently. Of course, if you feel these coping skills are not working, don’t be afraid to reach out for help from a trusted friend or family member.