How to Get the Most Out of Fall

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It only comes once a year, after all. With fall comes some of the most fun, seasonal activities around, so you’ll want to make sure you get the most out of it! You don’t want to be so busy that you find yourself in winter, wondering where your opportunity to carve a pumpkin, or explore the local corn maze, or even get that pumpkin spice latte went. Don’t miss out this year! Here’s how you can get the most out of this beautiful autumn season.
-Go for a walk. Take a few of them too, and watch as the leaves change more and more each time. There are few things as gorgeous as the orange, red, yellow, and last remaining greens dotting the landscape. Coupled with the air, which is now crisper and oh-so-fresh, it’s a wonder why anyone goes inside at all! Take as many chances as you get and go explore the wonders of fall in the outdoors.

Image source: pexels
-Visit your local corn maze. Corn mazes can be a fun outing just because they’re fun to explore and get lost in. But when you add in creepy elements, as if it’s an outdoor haunted house, it becomes an outing you won’t want to miss! Going out in the dark with your friends and family, hoping you don’t get lost while you try to escape the maze without getting too freaked out is an amazing time that you can only have in the fall!
-Do everything pumpkin related. There’s nothing more seasonal than a pumpkin, and boy do we take advantage of it during the fall. Pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin carving, pumpkin painting, pumpkin pie… there’s so much pumpkin to love! All this means that you can start off your day by grabbing a pumpkin spice coffee, heading down to the local farmer’s market and picking up a few pumpkins, bring them home and spend the next few hours painting and carving them with your friends. While the paint’s drying, you can make some old fashioned pumpkin pie. A full day of pumpkin… what other season has that?

Image source: pexels
-Put on some flannel sheets and warm clothes. Getting closer to winter means everything’s slowly (or depending on where you live, not so slowly) getting chillier, which has some pros and cons. The cons being the cutting, cold winds and the frozen toes, but the pros can really balance it out. The coziest flannel sheets will make sure that your toes are so warm that you’ll never want to leave bed, and when you do have to get out of the house, your layers, haute coat, and cozy scarf will make up for it. I love fall because I finally get to start getting creative again with colors and layers, and those lovely sheets just seem to make the bed so much harder to get out of.
Don’t miss the beauty of autumn! Take the time to make the most of fall, and you’ll create many more wonderful memories to look back on when you’re in the middle of the intense cold of winter.