How to take care of Your Skin in the Winter

In the dead of winter, your skin can really take a hit. It can be really hard to stay hydrated when the cold weather is wreaking havoc on your skincare routine, especially when you’re getting ready for senior photos. There are steps you can take to hydrate and take care of your skin, even during a busy time in your life. Here are our best tips:
-Hydrate: Drinking plenty of water will help boost your skin cells and keep you looking fresh and dewy. Supplement with fatty acids to help your skin regenerate and stay healthy. Fish and flaxseed oil are great options for this.
-Wear sun protection in the winter: You should be wearing sunscreen no matter what season it is, even if it’s cloudy and grey outside. Look for moisturizers that have sunscreen in them, to make it simpler to remember each day as you put on your regular makeup. Wear protective hats and scarves when you are out and about to protect from the wind and the sun.
-Use non-toxic cleaners and skin products: Limiting your exposure to chemicals and toxins helps keep your skin healthy. Look for products from essential oil companies or other clean living brands to make sure you are not adding more toxins to your already struggling skin.
-Humidifier in your bedroom: Adding a humidifier to your bedroom is a very wise idea, because it adds moisture back into the dry air. You can run one on low in your room while sleeping as an easy way to stay hydrated and keep skin from drying out when you are sleeping or resting. Look for a smaller one that you can move from room to room during the daytime too.
-Wear socks and gloves to bed: once you moisturize with a great lotion, cover your hands and feet with soft socks and gloves to help it absorb into your skin while you sleep. It’s easier than wearing very thick or heavy lotion during the day, and is less greasy. We recommend a lotion like Eucerin or Neutrogena brands, because they are more absorbent.
Taking care of your skin is never something you will regret! It is one of the most important things you can do as the temperatures drop, and these easy solutions will keep you looking gorgeous.