New Year’s Style Tips
Welcome to 2019…The start of a new year is the perfect time for trying fresh styles or improving on a tried and true look. If you’re a high school senior, come springtime, you’ll probably be extra busy getting ready for a new chapter of life and you probably won’t have time to worry about changing up your wardrobe. But before the snow melts, and the spring buzz takes over, here’s a few suggestions for now to get ahead of the crowd with your fashion game.
- Do your spring cleaning now! Get rid of some old clothes and clear some closet space. A good rule of thumb is, if it’s something you haven’t worn it this past year, toss it out. Now, this doesn’t mean you should fill all the new space with new clothes. Sometimes it’s good to just get rid of clutter. Plus, getting rid of clothes you don’t need is a great opportunity to donate items to those who may really need them. If you’re looking to be inspired, check out the Tidying Up documentary on Netflix!
- Try accessorizing! It doesn’t have to be extravagant. Something as simple as a scarf can enhance your everyday wear, or being able to ditch your old sneakers for a pair of stylish suede ankle boots. If you have a pair of earrings or a necklace you wear all the time, try different ones. Try wearing that heirloom necklace grandma gave you. Or trade in your gold hoops for a pair of diamond studs.
- Ask a friend: If you have a friend with great style, try asking her opinion on your current closet choices. You can get some great advice on things that she may help purge from your closet, or pieces you never wear that she thinks would look amazing (or look great in her closet if you’re getting rid of them!). You can both benefit from a fresh pair of eyes!
- Experiment with your color palette. Now, I’m not saying you should give that florescent orange shirt you absolutely know will clash with your skin tone a try, I’m saying maybe try a pair of jeans a shade darker. Or, try a lighter sea green blouse with a pattern instead of a solid olive color. Experimentation will be different for everyone. If you need a good starting place, this article from InStyle can help you figure out what colors may compliment your unique skin tone!