For the Parents of the Grads! Class of 2019
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If you’re a parent of a graduating senior, you may be feeling overwhelmed! There isn’t much more stressful than preparing your beloved kiddo to leave the nest. You have budgets to consider, packing, and college plans, and you might not be thinking about senior photos right now. What you really need is some assistance, and we have got your back! We have some of our best tips for preparing that senior of yours below:
-Plan ahead and early on: Making a generalized plan, even if you don’t have specific dates, is a great idea. You can tentatively plan out college visits and scholarship deadlines, and change them later, but it will give you a clear picture of which months will be the most full.
-Help them get away to have fun: Make sure your relationship doesn’t turn into having a to-do list. Don’t forget to enjoy your last year with your child, especially if they are going far away for college. Go to ice cream or a movie, and take an afternoon off from all of those deadlines, every once in awhile. Create memories you’ll both treasure.
-Book that senior session: Lastly, I encourage you to book your senior session early, as early as possible. You will want to have a photo ready for your child’s graduation announcements, yearbook, and framed portraits for family members. Booking early on is the best way to make sure everything is ready to go for those.
Janice Freeland Photography has more than the tips above, and all you need to do is sign up right HERE!