Raising Daughters 101 | Senior Pictures
The mom and daughter relationship can be a complicated one, but it also can be so beautiful! I love watching the mom/daughter dynamic in all my sessions. Senior photos can be stressful for parents, so hearing that I made it easier is something that makes my job amazing. Today, I wanted to share some of a note written by a sweet mom of one of my seniors, Grace. You’ll get to see her beautiful session at the end of the post, but first, take a few moments and read these words from her mom, Martha:
Raising Daughters 101
Senior Pictures, oh my! There are just certain things you can count on in life, and one of them is ‘senior pictures’! Who will take them, what will I wear, where will they be taken, and when will they be done!!!! Drama, drama, drama….
After having gone through this with two daughters, daughter number three presented me with ‘I would like to have my pictures made by Janice Freeland.’ Well the experienced mom, me, takes a deep breath and does a little snooping and is surprised to see first-hand, work by Janice Freeland. Senior pictures of a friend’s daughter popped up! These photos were tasteful, creative and flawless. So, being the inquiring mom that I am, I called that senior girl’s mom, and asked ‘would you do this again?’ The response was a resounding ‘yes’, ‘do it’. So, with not much more to go on, we signed on with Janice.
The instructions from Janice were simple:
Pick several outfits. Visit Anna Averett at Vignette’s, she can help you. Pin your choices and I will help you decide.
I thought: ‘Wow, all I have to do is go shopping.’
Send me ideas of where you would like to be photographed.
I thought: ‘Oh, my…locations!’
Book your session, and set aside a few hours for mother and daughter.
You will meet with Jen Lewis of Pastel Makeup and Hair. We will finalized your daughter’s outfits and go to the location(s) from there.
Then, I thought, “BLISS!!!”
We pulled clothes from daughter three’s closet, visited Anna Averett at Vignette’s, made our decisions, sent ideas to Janice…and I loaded my car.
The guess-work was gone! Our day rolled around, I had all the clothes in my car. I met daughter number three at WED on Broad Street. We were welcomed by Jen Lewis of Pastel Makeup and Hair. Jen had a calm soothing nature about her. Daughter number three just sat in her chair and let Jen take charge. Before you knew it, hair and make up were done, and tastefully done! Next, Jen and Janice narrowed the selection of outfits….and off we went to our location. By ‘we’, I mean Daughter, Jen, our makeup artist, and I went along as well! Two hours later, it was a wrap!
Hundreds of pictures, four outfit changes, make-up freshened, and hair put ‘up’.
Happy mother –daughter time…when will this opportunity strike again?
Lesson learned…Leave it to the pros!
Thank you, Martha, for your kind words and review on my photography! This experience is what I strive for in each and every senior session! I love making this daunting process simple and fun for both parent and child. If you’re ready, contact me today.