Had a great time this weekend racing for some great causes!!! On Saturday I did RACE FOR THE CURE MIAMI with my sister Jennifer Gayle in Celebration of my cousin Dawn Williams who is a BREAST CANCER SURVIVOR.
On Sunday my sister and I did THE COLOR RUN MIAMI!!! This race was to raise money for the JAM Foundation. We had so much fun and it was for a great cause!!!
Here is a little information on The JAM Foundation!!!
On April of 2009, founder 18 year old Justin Menendez lost his younger 13 year old brother Jason Anthony Menendez to suicide. He then started The J.A.M. Foundation, Inc. in memory of his brother in 2010. The mission of The J.A.M. Foundation, is to encourage the youth of today as well as their parents and educators to Stand Up & Speak about the often taboo topic of suicide. In 2012, Menendez expanded his vision by launching a campaign motivating the youth of today and their parents & educators to Stand Up & Speak about any problems they may be facing or witnessing. We strongly believe that by motivating each other to Stand Up & Speak, rather than trying to handle these problems by ourselves, many individuals can be helped, ailments treated, and lives possibly saved. We look forward to increasing numbers of supporters & envision a future where everyone will Stand Up & Speak.